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Graphic Recording

New Possibilities has 20 years of experience and expertise in producing real time, live graphic records. Consultants have the skills to take accurate minutes which can be agreed and amended as the record develops.

Sensitive issues can be discussed with confidence as consultants have non-judgemental, impartial, listening ears. Our graphic recorders are skilled at giving visual structure and focus to meetings.

What is unique about New Possibilities style of recording?


What is the difference between Graphic facilitation and recording?

Many people ask what the difference between Graphic facilitation and graphic recording is, here’s a simple explanation.

Graphic recording of events

The impact of graphic recording

Do you want to:

  • Offer an inclusive and transparent process to facilitation
  • Validate people’s contributions
  • Demonstrate that you have listened
  • Build cohesiveness in a group
  • Provide a tangible record of discussions

"Anna has provided graphic facilitation at our Child House workshops in London. She was able to listen and collate complex conversations about the very sensitive subject of child sexual abuse. She created beautiful images that captured the heart of the conversation - with professionals and adult survivors - and she is reliable, fun and great to work with!"

Emma Harewood
Transformation Lead, Implementing Child House model

"Anna has both trained a number of colleagues in Ascentia Corporate Coaching with core graphic facilitation skills and provided graphic facilitation for us at a key event. She is very talented, lovely to work with and produces impactful graphic images that convey so much more of a conversation and journey than purely the words. I would recommend her highly."

Sandra Henson
Systemic Executive Coach, Team Coach, Leadership Development and MD

Some of the organisations we have worked for